on Tuesday, January 19, 2010
every Sunday at about nine in the morning as I sit devouring the sunday supplement, the sound of conche would resound, and I would automatically take two rupees from the kitchen dabba ,which has change, run down the stairs and give it to daSSaya. Giving change to daSSaya was something that made me really proud as a little kid, it was an incentive promised by aunt when i refused to eat, other threats , when things got out of hand with me,included giving me away to the garbage man with many bags, she told me they all had little children in them and i still remember how he would threateningly glare as he took milk covers away, enough to make me eat boiled carrots for a couple of days she says. daSSaya of course still comes every sunday and day before i gave him the usual change and his smile lit up his ancient dark face, my neighbour's daughter all of four years old stood groggily waiting for the daSSaya.


Dark Covenant said...

I can picture this so clearly. Feel like i've seen it happen for some reason. Love the innocence flowing in this one!

playbyrules said...

thank you. this is classic malleswaram post.Will write a long one when i finally have access to net.

Somebody Else said...

Just wanted to give you a big tight hug at this moment. So HUG.

playbyrules said...

@S - shooo off.yikes

soda said...

how come i never read this one ??? its been ages since u put it up. I SUCK :( BTW sexy template :D