feeding my baby blog

on Tuesday, April 1, 2008
You have to name your blog before you start writing in it, dunno about you guys but I’m really bad at this, staring at my monitor, my mind blank with the colourful eblogger page staring at me, I cursed google and all the people who had fancily named their blogs sending signs of their cryptic undercurrents. The problem arised when I deleted my first born blog, in a fit of VTU depression [ one of the bonuses, blame all your inexplicable actions on them ] . I regret it now, as I write this not engulfed by remorse or anything , a twinge of guilt nevertheless.
The deletion of my blog was followed by a period of tranquility, when I didn’t think of my writing while brushing my teeth or writing data sheets [ all Freudian level thinking happens when I do this], few friends who read my blog earlier showed respectable amount of remorse , sighing, along with messaging their regret. People say time heals, but no, it doesn’t.
Anyway I start blogging again officially, one of the many reasons is to chronicle the tales of the place I grew up in, now that moving is sort of round the corner. Will also feed you with engineering kaalegu gossip and insight into my twisted political ideas. Of course, its all about looking through my perspective, don’t blame me, this is were I get to complete my sentences.
Intro post over!!! Yay!!!!


Somebody Else said...

My baby's baby. Muaah.
It's so you. It's got your wit, and your sarcasm, and those subtle hints of impatience(which you got from me, of course).

I'm a granma! yay! :)

Somebody Else said...

babesus. According to blog dynamics, the spiciest of blogs and tech/science blogs make the top of the list. That way, if flirty ran a blog about myathamatical eeequashuns, she would be a runaway success.

You also faalllow example and put that post about your flirty convos with Basavangudi bus drivers no!

playbyrules said...

why ma? no free ego massage for press peepal here.

v said...

VTU can have bizarre effects on people!